Arapahoe Decommissioning Project


  • Mobilize and demobilize labor, equipment, materials, and temporary facilities.
  • Control surface water and groundwater as necessary for the work per the SWMP.
  • Conduct thorough pre-demolition asbestos and hazardous materials surveys.
  • Furnish and install a security fence and gates as required.
  • All asbestos insulation and other materials abatement
  • Lead paint abatement as required for demolition activities
  • All plant structures demolition.
  • Outbuildings demolition including warehouses, shops, storage buildings, etc.
  • Building and equipment foundations removal, three feet below grade.
  • Circulating water tunnel removal.
  • All underground pipe larger than 4″ above ten feet below grade, electrical duct bank and cables, and other utility removals.
  • Site water well structure and piping demolition
  • Coal conveyor demolition.
  • Scrap material salvage.
  • All other chemicals, oil, etc. storage vessels shall be emptied and disposed of.
  • Environmental monitoring.
  • Removal of two (2) concrete stacks using conventional methods
  • Properly transport, store, treat, recycle, and reuse or dispose of all waste materials generated by the work.
  • Drain oil-filled equipment (No PCB’s present)
  • Removal of all universal waste (lamps, ballasts, bulbs, etc.)
  • Cleaning, decommissioning, and removal of tanks and associated appurtenances.
  • Impacted soil excavation if encountered during work activities.
  • Site cleanup & demobilization
  • Removed & crushed approximately 40,000 cubic yards of concrete.


Site: The Arapahoe site consists of 4 units. Units 1, 2, & 3 are 50 megawatts each & Unit 4 is 100 megawatts. There were 2 smokestacks, each 250′ tall. Approximately 40 outbuildings housed miscellaneous plant equipment, controls, workshops, etc.

Exterior: Available to wreck from 3 sides of the plant. Open surroundings. No major obstructions to prevent access during the course of demolition. The substation was located approximately 70′ behind the plant. NADC maintained boundaries between work areas & the active substation.

Interior: Turbines located on level 2. Condensers located at ground level. No basement. All 4 boilers were low pressure. Unites 1-3 consisted of a precipitator, boiler, & main plant section. The main plant sections were comprised of pulverizers, motors, coal hoppers and piping. The total abatement was performed throughout. Unit 4 was a baghouse, boiler, & main plant. The baghouse was added on & did not require the same amount of abatement as the precipitators. NADC made the necessary cuts and tripped the building using cables and appropriate rigging. Unit 4 Boiler was brought fully to the ground with no incidences.


No recordable incidents by NADC. Consistently referred to as “the safest project Xcel has going” by Xcel Management Team.


Contact us for more detailed information on your
total demolition project.