Electrostatic Precipitator Conversion to Pulse Jet Fabric Filter (PJFF) Technology

Power Plant Conversion may be the best solution for plant operators

There is a growing trend in the utility industry to convert existing coal-fired power plants to burn other fuel types, such as biomass and natural gas. Conversion is being driven by a number of factors, including renewable portfolio standards; federal incentives and looming environmental regulations; consumer demand and environmental awareness. These factors combined with a new economic climate are making coal less attractive. Although conversion costs can be expensive, utilities already have the facilities sited and water supply and transmission lines established. Converting existing facilities can often cost less than installing the emissions control systems required to keep an antiquated coal plant running.

NADC has compiled a portfolio of major power plant conversions. This experience can be beneficial to those facilities that want to convert rather than dismantle or demolish power plants. Contact us for more information.

The following projects highlights these capabilities:

Power Plant Projects: