Eagle Valley Generating Station – Coal Plant

Project Scope: Complete abatement and disposal of all universal wastes and ACM throughout the entire facility. Included all ACM insulation on all piping, turbines, generators, and all 6 boilers. 


Site: The Eagle Valley site consisted of 6 Units for a total of approximately 384 MW. 3 preciptitators and 3 280′ brick stacks. Intake structures located on the North end of the plant and were built directly into the White River. The plant was located 150′ from a roadway, bordered on the North by the White River, to the East by the switchyard (demoed) and discharge canals and ash ponds, and to the far south by a new CCGT plant.

Exterior: Available access from 3 sides of the plant building. Work was systematically completed from all 3 sides, at different times, to efficiently and safely demolish the plant. The top of the tallest boiler structure was approximately 135′. The three 280′ brick smokestacks were located between the plant and the adjacent roadway.

Interior: All 6 turbines and generators were located on the main floor (grade). The basement of the plant was 25′ deep. Each turbine and generator has two condensers located in the basement below the unit. The interior of the plant also contained coal handling equipment (i.e. coal hopper, pulverizer, conveyor, etc.). All 6 boilers contained ACM insulation that was abated prior to demolition.


  • 25,000 tons of steel
  • 15,000 yards of concrete removed, crushed, and reused
  • 90,000 cubic yards of fill material was used to backfill plant basement
  • Dive team assisted in the placement of custom fabricated stop logs to close the intake structure. Concrete bulkheads were tremme poured underwater to permanently close the intake
  • Discharge tunnels located 35′ below grade were successfully flow filled per specifications. The survey team was used to locate the center of underground tunnels and then the drilling contractor drilled several 10″ vent/fill pipes into the discharge tunnel. Submersible pumps were used to dewater the discharge tunnels and then approximately 1,500 cubic yards of flow fill was pumped in to fill the tunnels
  • 3 – 280′ brick smokestacks were demolished using a custom fabricated remote diesel hydraulic power pack and a hydraulic universal processor tool hung off the crane. Stacks proximity to adjacent road and high voltage lines required the mechanical “chewing” demolition approach.
  • CAT 5110 high reach, equipped with a Shear Core Fortress 145 shear, was used to safely and systematically demolish the plant/boilers from the top down.


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total demolition project.